One of the most intriguing items in Aratoi’s collection is this Ship’s Biscuit, inscribed by Prince Alfred in 1869. Biscuits were a staple, onboard long voyages, sailors often had to soak the biscuits before they could be eaten.
This particular ship’s biscuit gives us a brief look into history, it is inscribed “from H.M.S. Galatea at Nelson NZ. April 1869 Captain H.R.H. Prince Alfred” Alfred was the fourth child and second son of Queen Victoria and he joined the Royal Navy in 1858. In 1866 he was given command of the HMS Galatea and he set off on a world tour in 1867. The Galatea arrived in Nelson on 18 April 1869.

If you would like to make a delicious biscuit, try out this recipe from the Great New Zealand Baking Book, Pg 90.
These are easy to make and really delicious. Kids love them!

The Great New Zealand Baking Book Pg 90 (you can see we love making this recipe!)

Rolling out the mixture

The finished cookie!