Aratoi Patrons Trust
Nga Kaiatawhai o Aratoi
Establishment information
In 2018, a new Trust will be formed to provide financial support to Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History (Aratoi). The Aratoi Patrons Trust (APT) will be separate from the Aratoi Regional Trust (ART) that governs Aratoi. It will be part of a diverse family of financial supporters of Aratoi.
The new Trust seeks a founding Chair and Trustees. The roles will be attractive to those who are enthusiastic about the success and viability of Aratoi's contribution to the Wairarapa communities. Aratoi is an integral asset for the Wairarapa. It collects and cares for historical treasures and taonga, art and artefacts; provides wide ranging exhibitions; and encourages access and engagement and educational opportunities.
APT will have a particular role in establishing and maintaining a system of patrons that caters for differing levels of affordability. Many patrons will become Members of the Trust. The Trust will also undertake fundraising activities and events. There will be 5-7 Trustees. These will include the Chair and two Trustees appointed by the Aratoi Regional Trust. There will be a rolling regime of elections at Annual General Meetings. The positions of Trustees are unpaid. It is not possible to give a clear estimate of time commitment at this stage. It could be anticipated that there will be at least quarterly meetings per annum, with further involvement in fundraising activities and events.
Persons applying should, to the extent that it is possible, provide suitable information regarding their interest, experiences, and skills, particularly as they may apply to the following areas:
- Governance commitment to ART/APT
- Strategic thinking/vision community perception
- Financial/commercial acumen
- Museum/art understanding
- Fundraising networking/connections.
(It is appreciated that not all persons will have the same degree of exposure to all areas.)
While the Trust will be separate from Aratoi Regional Trust upon establishment, ART is providing the set up process.
Expressions of Interest close at 5pm 1 August 2018.
In addition to the suitable information above, applicants should include adequate contact details.
Please email to [email protected] or post to
Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History, 12 Bruce St, PO Box 648, Masterton 5810
Further enquiries may be made to:
Barbara Roydhouse (ART Chair) (06) 378 6613, 027 604 8375
David Moriarty, (Dep ART Chair) (06) 377 1199, 021 350 349