Itinerant in its origins and variable in its methods of exhibition, like all good collections, the Retreat continues to develop over time. As an entity the Retreat remains within an evolutionary process of expansion and, as we will see, the space it opens up is most definitely alive and well.
Once accumulated, everything has its part to play - one links to the other - as a game and as a diagram. Operating as a space of articulation and encounter, from 16 July 2011 until 18 September Aratoi will play host to the unfolding narratives and assorted objects and imagery of the Retreat.
Rise Up to Release presents the next in a series of critiques of the Retreat, the most recent of which have been hosted by Victoria University's Adam Art Gallery, Wellington (2011), Physics Room, Christchurch (2009) and City Gallery Wellington (2007).
g. bridle is an artist and collector. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Massey University, Wellington in 2004.
For more information on the artist: