26 June 2021, 10:00am - 31 August 2021, 4:00pm
Use the exhibition as inspiration to enter our competition about the Disappearing Woman.
Imagine the backstory. What would be the prequel or sequel be for what you can see in this exhibition? Entries must be A3 in size, but can be prose, drawings, cartoon or poetry between 100-1000 words and be highly decorated.
For students, design an outfit for the disappearing woman to wear to a masked ball. Entries must be an A3 design storyboard with a sketch, description and title, and can contain fabric swatches.
Entries will be displayed in the Aratoi foyer until the 5th September when they will be judged. A small prize giving will follow.
All entries to be directed to Becky Bateman, Public Programmes by the 31st August 2021.